Hello, we are the PSLs from Cedar Peer Support Board! We use this blog to update ourselves on our current events. Thank you for visiting! :D

Our Mission:
Serving with passion, leading with excellence, to be the difference

Our Vision:
Different leadership style, one collaborative spirit

Our Values:
Accustoming for progress;
Dynamism upon integration;
Empathy for others;
Culture of sharing and collaboration.

Aspire to Inspire

Friday, November 27, 2009

hey hey hey there my dearest peer support leaders! i have to admit, haha this is my first post. so haha, i shall start by telling you more about myself.

p.s: you can skip this whole first para if you dun wanna know about me :x
haha, i am Priya(: i am in 3S and in Cedar Cross Country. i used to be in TLDDS (dance) and yeah. i take indian classical class dances. i started in pri2 and am still dancing(: i took part in NDP@ marina bay last year too! damn fun! haha. i can swim (unlike florence ;)) and to a certain extent, i think i can bake a cookie better than aunty Jeslyn :x i love history teehee. i love the colour purple! i dun like to eat so my exco keeps on urging me to eat. haha. i cant draw (but maybe Jaime can draw sth for me (: ) and i can't sing like Pammy and Sharon! though i thiink it would be so cool to be able to sing like 'em! i dunno what else to say lahh. haha.

ok, now that i m done crapping abt myself i shall post about this whole week of PSL events! starting with open house dry run on Monday. i was super duper worried:x i came to school like at 700 to go one round ard the sch first before exco had meeting with Mrs Koh. but the school was like locked. haha, so funny. then i stepped into the school for the first then and had a quick quick walk about. i m so sorry i couldnt stay for the whole dry run session cause i had to go for TLC camp. but i think it was quite ok. i hope..

then came the next day. which was scholars' orientation and PSL induction. i believe that this was the best day of the week so far! we all had so much of funfunfun! haha. it was kinda like a whole day of games and everyone had a lot of fun playing the games. so YAY! hope the PSLs felt a little bit inducted atleast!

camp camp camp. judging from all your feedback. camp was inbetween a flop and a success. haha. you'll enjoyed it and some did not really enjoy it all the time. but overall for a first camp i think it was quite successful. but basically i want to say thank you thank you to all of you for coming down and making it even possible in the first place! the exco is very grateful to those who attended the camp! we will look into what all of you said and include it in the AAR (after action review) so that the next camp would be much much more fun and flawless!! yay

FAREWELL. (oh my, i just typed farewall:x) i shall not say much cause jia ai said everything already(:

haha, now its OH this sat! please do PSB proud yeah? i'm sure all of you can do it. after all, you all are PSLs(: jia you everyone k? rest well tonight and tmr will be a blast! i shall end my post now. cause i think my brain is refusing to work anymore... blah

love you people loads loads,
Priyadarshini (heehee)