Hello, we are the PSLs from Cedar Peer Support Board! We use this blog to update ourselves on our current events. Thank you for visiting! :D

Our Mission:
Serving with passion, leading with excellence, to be the difference

Our Vision:
Different leadership style, one collaborative spirit

Our Values:
Accustoming for progress;
Dynamism upon integration;
Empathy for others;
Culture of sharing and collaboration.

Aspire to Inspire

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Heartfelt words - Jia Ai

Dearest PSLs,

After so many weeks have passed, I’ve finally taken out some time to give this blog a brand new look (hope you guys like it, by the way), and also type out my ‘farewell’ speech here.

Well, the Secondary 4s’ journey has come to an end on 27 May 2009, Wednesday, as I made the official announcement to the school. Before I start typing essays about my thoughts and feelings towards these 3 wonderful years of experience gained in Cedar PSB, I would like to sincerely congratulate the new Executive Committee of 2009-2010.

Every single one of you is of such high calibre, and that’s exactly what makes y’all the future leaders of the Board, standing at the front line. You guys have been chosen to take the lead, and I’ve absolute faith that y’all will give the Board the best you have. Just like what Mr. Yau said to us the other time, it is when the spirit of servant leadership takes hold in a team that trust blossoms. And trust, the glue of life, flourishes only through trustworthiness. The key is actually to acknowledge everyone in the team, with various qualities and personalities. Good management involves utilizing the strengths of every member, and the weaknesses are made irrelevant by the strengths of others. This has to come naturally through us getting to know and understand and trust each other.

During my time, I’ve not been able to fulfill such a ‘noble’ task before I step down.

So now, it’s YOUR time.

As a PSL, I must say that I’ve truly gained a lot from attending all the seminars, sharings, conventions, and on top of it all, from leading this wonderful Board. The journey hasn’t been smooth-sailing, but the lessons which I’ve picked up along the way definitely made all the efforts worthwhile.

Being a PSL does not simply means attending events, helping out in events, and organizing events. We can actually achieve far more than that as a Board if we’re willing to share a common vision. This Board can be a big family where we seek refuge from, if we choose to believe in it.

Everyone must be willing to make the first step.

I don’t know how else to emphasize on the importance of this point.
So I hope you get what I’m driving at. (:

"There is no more powerful engine driving an organization toward excellence and long-range success than an attractive, worthwhile, achievable vision for the future, widely shared."
— Burt Nanus, Visionary Leadership

I understand that some of you may have felt neglected along the way. You don’t feel attached/committed/passionate towards the Board because you feel that you’re doing nothing much in particular, except to pop in and help out in running of events once in a while. But while having that mindset in your head, why not spare some moments to put yourself in the shoes of the leaders? To yourself, you may think that you’re not exactly doing much in the Board, you don’t feel committed.

But in actual fact, your participation would have brought about great changes and impacts!

And what’s the reason behind this mindset? Personally, I feel that it’s because we do not have faith and hence the lack of the drive to bring up this Board. Of course, there are many reasons. Perhaps it’s because we need to be more bonded?

Well, whatever the reason may be, I assure you that the new ExCo will do something to change this. But ultimately, it still requires two hands to clap.

I know it’s hard to, but let’s try it yeah? Try to love this Board, as much as we love our CCAs and studies (?!).

It has been an SYF year, so I trust that y’all can be more committed to PSB activities in the near future. Yes? YES!! (: Give the Board a chance, Give yourself a chance. To shine. You’ll definitely gain more than what you’ve imagined.

Remember to do whatever you can to help this Board. Simple actions like tagging on this blog, or even blogging (if you happen to rmb the user and pass, =.=), will make a difference. Influence each other in a positive way yeah? Do stupid things together. I mean, who even cares? As long as we stay close and bonded. (:

Of course, the rest of the Sec. 3s should not feel disheartened just because you’re not part of the final 6. All of you have your own unique strengths, and it’s really up to you whether or not you want to unleash it and bring the Board up. Just look at Mardhiyyah and Afiqah. Even though they are not in the ExCo, they’ve always been the ones representing the Board at cheering during events such as National Track. Their enthusiasm did not stop on the day when my ExCo was announced.

Hence, I strongly urge the remaining Sec. 3s to keep that faith in the Board high, for the juniors will be looking up to you, for the Board’s image depends on you, for faith will move mountains. Never ever think that you’re useless or incapable in time to come, simply because you are nothing but an indispensable asset to the Board. “Execution is the missing link between aspirations and results”, bear that in mind. Without your active participation and commitment, no matter how hard the ExCo tries to bring the Board to a higher level, everything will still remain stagnant and nothing will change.

And there are also some words which I would like to say to the Sec. 2s. To begin with, your guys have really been a wonderful batch to be with. Fun-loving, highly enthusiastic, and not forgetting to mention, lame and silly. I never fail to get amused by your contagious lameness whenever I visit the PSL blog. Although you guys haven’t really been blogging, I’m truly comforted by your frequent tags. And it’s not just a few of you, but most. (Right?) It really shows how much y’all care for the Board, and I really appreciate it. (: Continue to keep your level of enthusiasm high in the Board, and never allow the faith you’ve placed in the Board to waver a few months down the road because of your other commitments in/outside school. Stay bonded within your own level and slowly build up your sense of commitment to the Board. I’m sure as the days pass by, you’ll enjoy the fruits of your labour. Work for it.

To all, I hope you guys can make the effort to get committed to the goals of the Board. Work hand in hand with the new ExCo. Together, all of you will determine the destination of the Board, and hence, have ownership in the path that leads to the destination. You have to believe in this.

Only then, we can move on.

"You can be anything you want to be, if only you believe with sufficient conviction and act in accordance with your faith; for whatever the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve."
— Napoleon Hill

With lots of LOVE,
Jia Ai <3